About Us
Email Readiness Score (ERS ™) is an algorithm based scoring system to check a domains adoption of the email security standards.
It is the only true score of its kind.
We review DNS settings to and score the results based on how the standards are adopted. This creates an industry standard benchmark which can be used to measure how "safe" email is originating from that domain.
We have created a number of programmes that help drive adoption of better email.
Email Readiness Score Certified (ESRC ™)
This is a certification programme for your domain. All certified domains are added to a centralised safe list which is made available to ESP (Email Service Providers). To become a certified domain, your score must be 100% and be maintained at this level for at least 3 months. Your company must also have at least one ERSP (Email Readiness Score Practitioner) managing that domain.
Email Readiness Score Practitioner (ESRP ™)
Being an ERSP means that you are able to apply the correct email security standards to achieve a score of 100% for any domain you manage. We create ERSP's as part of our unique training programme which helps to ensure all company domains score 100% within 6 weeks.
If you are interested in discussing either programme, please get in contact.